Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Duplicating the Salon Look Begins With the Blowout

Anyone looking to duplicate that just walked out of the salon look knows you simply must master the blow out. It's an important styling skill that can leave your hair looking silky smooth with loads of volume. In other words impossibly gorgeous.

Still for far too many, hairstyling techniques such as this are simply impossible with the results being anything but gorgeous.

Unfortunately that can be the case even if you've spent hours on hair care sites like TerrificTresses.com or have picked your stylists brain incessantly while sitting in the chair.

So I'm thinking maybe you might benefit from some tips for achieving a salon blowout at home.  Because once you know how to use the dryer to lift your hair and to boost the volume you can own the look.  Even if you are looking for uncommonly big hair.

To help here are two awesome videos that are loaded with all sorts of blow out tips.  A girl can learn a lot here if you pay attention. Luckily I did. Meaning notes included below. You're welcome.

Voluminous Hair Blowout

With this first one, Silvia starts off by applying an anti-frizz polishing milk to her damp strands. This will help to smooth down your hair, take out any frizz, while adding a bit of shine. You only need a small amount to do the job. No more than a pea sized dollop.

CAUTION: You don't want a lot of product at the roots. So it's best to apply from the ends up. The ends are more porous and so in need of the most protection anyway.

You want to work the blow dryer in the opposite direction however. Starting from the roots on down with the aim to be 90-95% dry before you start shaping and molding into the style that you want.

For this rough dry no brush is used. She just keeps the drying moving and uses her fingers to keep the hair separated. More or less aiming the heated air down the strands. Doing to opposite, or blowing up only causes frizz that will be hard to tame once it's taken hold.

Once mostly dry she added a bit more of the Redkin Outshine say from mid shaft on down. Doing so because with the heat any that was applied initially was absorbed into the shaft so more is needed.

Next to get a sleek look you'll want to break your hair down into two sections. The area around the crown which is where you will focus most of your attention and the lower part which you'll separate in the back giving your three sections to work with. Again you'll be concentrating your volumizing efforts on the part around the crown however.

Starting at the sides, she uses a large ceramic barrel round brush to wrap the hair around while keeping tension on it as she blasts it with the blow dryer. At least briefly she targets the roots of each section of hair she is working with. She works her way around her head drying and straightening the lower section

The secret to lots of volume is where you place the brush. You want to overdirect it, or pull the hair over the crown totally away from where it will end up. First you'll want to aim at the roots from behind. Then you'll want to aim the nozzle from the front to get a smooth and sleek look to the hair with more than enough volume at the roots.

To add a bit more shine to the ends she applies a soft wax pomade.

Can you see how this approach can get you hair with tons of volume and who doesn't love that?

Remember see if you can't let your hair air dry some before reaching for the power tool. Use that time to grab breakfast, apply your makeup, or text your friends hello.

Bouncy Blowout

The one starts with a few solid points.

Use a large barrel round brush.
Dry your hair in sections.
Use any air flow directing nozzle that came with your blow dryer.

Initially you want to get your hair about 90-95% dry using the warm or cool setting on your hair dryer. That's the goal. Oh and you never want to go directly to the hot setting because that could damage it and lead to breakage.

After you've got it to the desired state of dryness use a dime sized amount of John Frieda Frizz Ease serum. Apply to your hair with a focus on the ends. Any kind of heat protectant is a must do step since as you know heat leads to breakage and split ends.

Using a medium sized ceramic brush take small sections of hair. Generally you won't want to work with sections wider than the width of the brush your are using.

Moving the brush in a circular motion, she calls it spinning, to apply some tension to the strands, you want to move down the top of each section to dry it. Note how she practically puts the nozzle right on the hair. You will do this until your hair is totally dry.

You also want to make sure the underside is also dry. Because if you just dry the top side you can end up with a developing case of the frizzies as the day goes on. The emphasis is on making sure everything is completely dry.

If you want a little curl the video shows how to wrap the dry hair around your brush. Well, actually brushes. Carli seems to have an ample supply to heat up and leave on her hair like giant hot rollers in a way. The ceramic in the brush clearly holds the heat to impart a nice lush smooth wave. Repeat all around the lower half of your head.

If you're worried that your hair won't hold the curl, a bit of hair spray can eliminate that concern for the entire day.

Now turn your attention to the next third of your hair leaving the final third twisted up on top of your head.

As before use the Frizz Ease all over your hair. This time she uses a small ceramic brush to curl the hair away from her face. There's a reason she doesn't blow it up and away from the face as is more commonly done it to keep the split ends stay down. Don't forget to repeat the drying on both the top and underside of each section.

Onto the final section the hair around the crown. For the hair in front, blow the hair away from your face spinning the large round brush downwards. The larger barrel will help to lift the roots to build in body. In the back, as she put it, dry your hair to ceiling to add in as much volume as possible.

To encourage your hair to stay as you've styled it, switch the dryer to the cool setting to cool down your strands and help close the cuticles. If you don't do this you will lose volume and curl over time. Apply one last bit of Frizz Ease on the ends for the most part.

With tips like these your hair can look like it belongs in a shampoo commercial. All the admiring looks from those around you will only confirm it. And it took a few minutes to brush up on simple blow drying techniques anyone can master.

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